Dr. BBQ’s Smoked Flat-Cut Brisket with Coffee

“The flat cut of brisket makes for those long, beautiful slices that look so good on the plate. This cut has a lot less fat on it than a whole brisket, though, so it needs a little added moisture during the smoking process. Coffee adds an interesting flavor while helping keep things juicy. A brisket flat is a simpler piece of meat to smoke than a big whole brisket so this is probably a good place to start for a new barbecue cook. Just don’t get one any smaller than 5 pounds.” -Ray “Dr. BBQ” Lampe, Slow Fire

Recipe adapted from Ray “Dr. BBQ” Lampe and can be found in his cookbook, Slow Fire, and the BGE Publication Profile: Dr. BBQ.

3.4/5 (28 Reviews)


  • 1 USDA Choice flat-cut brisket (5 to 6 pounds), fat left on
  • Barbecue Rub #67 (below)
  • ½ cup strong brewed coffee


Set the EGG for indirect cooking at 235°F/113°C using medium hickory wood for smoke flavor.

Season the brisket liberally with the rub. Cook the brisket fat-side down for 1 hour and then flip it to fat-side up. Cook to an internal temperature of 160°F/71°C.

Lay out a big double-thick layer of heavy-duty aluminum foil and lay the brisket on it fat-side up. Pull up the sides of the foil and pour on the coffee as you close up the package. Be careful not to puncture it or you’ll have to start over. Return the brisket to the cooker. After another hour, begin checking the internal temperature. When it reaches 200°F/93°C, remove the brisket and let it rest for 30 minutes, wrapped. Remove the brisket from the foil. It desired, skim the fat from the liquid and serve the remaining juices as a sauce. Slice the brisket about ¼ inch thick to serve.

Barbecue Rub #67 Ingredients

  • ½ cup Sugar in the Raw
  • ½ cup kosher salt
  • 3 tablespoons chili powder
  • 3 tablespoons paprika
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper
  • ½ teaspoon lemon pepper
  • ½ teaspoon ground coffee
  • ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper

Barbecue Rub #67 Instructions

Combine all the ingredients in a medium bowl and mix well. The rub may be stored in an airtight container in a cool place for up to 6 months.

Makes about 1 ½ cups

22 thoughts on “Dr. BBQ’s Smoked Flat-Cut Brisket with Coffee”

  1. First time fabulous. I’ve tried brisket several times without much luck. This recipe came out with rave revues. After meat hit 205 degrees, I wrapped in a towel, put it into a cooler for another 2 hours. So tender it cut with a fork, and the au jus was terrific. High recommendation, I’ll be cooking it again.

  2. We made this yesterday and it was amazing. First time I have tried brisket on the egg. I did but the rub on the night before. The brisket was tender and juicy. We did a 6 lb brisket and all total it took 6 hours start to finish.

  3. The video says put the brisket fat side down for the final cooking wrapped in foil with coffee. The recipe states fat side up during this last stage. This is perhaps not an issue for eating but only impacts presentation. I’ve gone with the video version “fat side down”

  4. I followed this recipe to the letter, save for my remote temp probe which was acting up and caused some hot flares briefly. Got that under control and cooked for 4 naked/2 wrapped hours since I only had a 7 pound flat. Used some pecan and hickory chunks in the charcoal. Moist, flavorful brisket. Would make again.

  5. I modified the rub just a tad, since I did not have any onion powder. I chopped finely, a reg onion. Also I did not have any freshly ground coffee, so omitted it. Used half cup of strong brewed coffee. Results were just fabulous as brisket was tender and juicy

  6. I have some confusion on how long to cook the brisket. Some vid’s say 10, 12 16 hours for a 10 pound brisket and others less. Even in this vid’s Dr. BBQ is saying 2 and 3 hours for different steps.
    Maybe it would be easier to ask the question: How many hours per pound to cook a brisket? The one I’m going to try is 4.5 pound.

  7. I struggled a little regulating the temp, that being said for this being the first time doing a brisket I couldn’t believe that I was capable of making this! This recipe is a slam dunk

  8. I did this recipe along with watching his youtube video for our Christmas meal. It was spot on fantastic!!! Had a 10 lb brisket and it cooked to perfection. I let it sit for about an hour wrapped in the foil before slicing and serving – so juicy!!! Thanks.

    1. I want to try this recipe this weekend. How long does it take to get to an internal temp of 160deg? Also what is the normal total cook time? Thank you for any help.

    2. I follow these instructions but tend to get too much of a charcoal taste in the finished meat product. Can you help? When should the meat be placed on the fire after lighting the charcoal? Been cooking brisket for 45 years with great success until I switched to the Egg 2 years ago. Thanks

      1. What charcoal are you using? If it isn’t lump charcoal which are chunks of would then that is where your problem is, or if you’re using lighter fluid.

        The charcoal should be a wood smoke flavor.

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