Set the Egg for indirect cooking with the convEGGtor at 350°F/204°C
- Pat the turkey dry and coat with oil, season with salt and Big Green Egg Savory Pecan Seasoning
Pull melted butter into the injector and evenly inject the turkey with the butter (to prevent splash back from the injector, cover the turkey with plastic wrap and inject the turkey through the plastic wrap)
Place half of the onion, one whole head of garlic, half the orange, half the lemon, and two sprigs of each herb inside the cavity of the turkey
- Fold the wings back behind the turkey so that they cook evenly
- Add the remaining garlic, onion, orange, lemon and herbs around the turkey in the drip pan
Place on the Egg and cook 3-4 hours or until the internal temperature is 165°F (white meat) and 185°F (dark meat)
- During the cook, cover the turkey with aluminum foil once the skin has the desired color and texture
- Remove from the EGG, let rest for 15 minutes
- Carve and enjoy!