Set the Egg for indirect cooking/smoking, at 250°F/121°C, using fruit wood like apple or cherry chips
In a bowl, combine and mix the dried spices
- Coat the lamb roast with olive oil and liberally apply the dry rub on the entire roast
- Smoke the lamb for up to two hours, or until the internal temperature of the lamb reaches 115 – 120°F/46°-49°C
Increase the heat of the Egg to 400°F
- Continue roasting the lamb until the internal temperature of the lamb reaches 135°-140°F/57°-60°C or medium rare, or your desired finishing temperature
- This should take about 20 additional minutes
Remove the lamb from the Egg and let sit loosely tented in foil for 20 minutes
- This will allow carry-over cooking to occur and allow the juices to settle and be absorbed back into the cells of the roast
- Drizzle with some of the butter garlic sauce before serving